Tag Archive for: Young Adult

Pass the Popcorn: March 2012’s Most Popular Hotel Room Movies

She scored big in movie theaters, won an Academy Award nomination for Rooney Mara and even picked up a gold statue at the Big Show.  (Hey, no one said soundmixing wasn’t important.) So small surprise The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo cleaned up last month as the most-watched Hollywood movie in hotel rooms in New York and across the nation. Read more

Pass the Popcorn: February 2012’s Most Popular Hotel Room Movies

Welcome to our newest feature. Each month we’ll post the 10 top Hollywood films watched by hotel guests in New York and across the US as compiled by LodgeNet, the country’s leading provider of in-room entertainment.

Here’s how guests voted with their TV remotes (and iPod apps) in February. Note to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences: The Descendants cleaned up big with hotel guests. Read more