Fresh Flowers — The Ultimate Hotel Freebie For All — At The Plaza
I love hotel freebies, the kind you get when you walk through the door. A great looking lobby generously appointed with sofas and chairs? Check.
Stylish lobby restrooms you can find without asking? Double check.
Fresh flowers? Pre-recession nearly every better hotel had them. But big, boisterous bouquets aren’t as ubiquitous as they once were, and I understand. Some hotels dress their lobbies in hearty greens or small trees. Orchids, no fuss, no muss, are popular. And occasionally, exuberant blooms appear. They’re attention-grabbers. I had to stand in line and wait my turn to photograph this table tableau at the Plaza. Gorgeous (but what a shame there’s no place to sit, check your e-mail if you like and admire them).
Cool picture. And you’re right, high-end hotel lobbies look unfinished without some floral flourish.
Thanks for the nice comment, David.