Why Pope Francis Won’t Be Checking Into A Hotel When He Comes To New York City

It’s safe to say any number of New York City hotels would be thrilled to roll out the white carpet when Pope Francis breezes into town for a much anticipated 40-hour touch down.

But following a custom begun in 1979 with Pope John Paul, home base for the Argentinian pontiff on his first visit to New York will be a five-story townhouse on the Upper East Side. Read more

So Long, Waldorf: Why The New York Palace Is the President’s New NYC Home Away From Home

The streak is over, and we’re not talking about Serena.

When President Barak Obama comes to New York later this month for the opening session of the UN General Assembly, he and his considerable entourage will check in at the Lotte New York Palace Hotel, the elegant 55-story glass tower behind St. Patrick’s Cathedral that was renovated top to toe in 2013. Read more

Manhattan Hotels That Rock The Runway During New York Fashion Week Spring 2016

Sure it helps, but you don’t need to see a fashion show to indulge in New York Fashion Week, aka #NYFW. Between September 9 and 17, these Manhattan hotels are rolling out the runway. Read more

Farewell To A Mid-Century Landmark: Tokyo’s Hotel Okura Closes Its Main Building (And Ends An Era)

By the time you read this, the last guest will have checked out of the Main Building of the Hotel Okura, and one of Tokyo’s most distinctive (and beloved) mid-century buildings will be shuttered. In the coming weeks, workers will dismantle the 53-year-old structure, prepping it for the wrecker’s ball so a pair of sky-scraping glass towers boasting hotel rooms and commercial space can rise on the site in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Read more