Tag Archive for: End of Watch

Pass the Popcorn: What Were the Most Watched Movies in Hotel Rooms in January 2013?

Abraham Lincoln or James Bond? That seemed the big question hotel guests pondered when choosing in-room movies last month.  (Denzel Washington and Liam Neeson were also deep in the mix.)  To find out if Oscar contenders trumped blockbusters for the top spots, read on. Read more

Pass the Popcorn: What Movies Did Hotel Guests Watch In Their Rooms in December 2012?

Once again it’s time to take a peek into hotel rooms across the nation and Canada (and New York City) and report on what guests chose to pay to watch on their flatpanel screens.  The verdict? Ted, the trash-talking bear, had a great two-month run. But last month he fell – though not very far — from his cushy perch at Number 1. Taken 2 and Liam Neeson overtook him. No teds there. Read more

Pass the Popcorn: The Most-Watched Hotel Room Movies during November 2012

Fans of action thrillers like big screens, it seems. How else to explain The Dark Knight Rises’ status as the Number 2 hotel room movie in the United States and Canada and New York City in November, the first month it was available to hotel viewers? Batman got beat out of the top spot by last month’s winners — potty-mouthed teddy-bear Ted (nationwide) and the gritty Bourne Legacy (in New York). Read more